Approach to Basic MRI Head

So, you want to become a pro at looking at an MRI brain? Or at least competent? Then this basic MRI brain approach course is for you.

Maybe you’re a medical student just starting out, or a medic or surgeon who’d like to look at their patient’s imaging, or a radiology trainee faced with their first MRI brain.

Whoever you are, the aim of this tutorial is to get you from zero to knowing-a-bit-more about interpreting MRI studies, particularly of the brain. I know how you feel when you open up a study and see 15 different sets of sequences. Where do you start? Why are there so many? What is each one for? These were all questions that would run through my mind when I was starting out. So, I’ve put together a short course on how to approach an MRI brain study logically.

If you like this course please keep an eye out for the other courses coming up on neuroradiology for all backgrounds and levels. If you have any suggestions of tutorials you’d like to see, I’d love to hear them.

So, without further ado, let’s get started!


Sagittal contrast-enhanced T1 weighted image of the brain